Since I haven't updated this blog for a while, here's a quick update on miscellaneous achievements and events over the past few months:
I unexpectedly won the Saga Forge Adventures competition! If you're into TTRPGs and existentialism, you can check out the adventure I submitted here.
I was shortlisted for the Alpine Fellowship Theatre Writing Prize. For which I am most grateful, and I may develop the script pitch I submitted at a future date. It has vampires and questions about bringing about the revolution.
We Sing/I Sang is coming back! One way or another, Tête à Tête: The Opera Festival 2020 will have some sort of manifestation of this collective consciousness remembering its past. There's a set of videos about the behind-the-scenes process coming up.
The pandemic is just... a thing that persists. A few more projects are bubbling below the surface, but I have no intention of pretending that the above is representative of the whole experience...
