Coming To Come Bargain With Uncanny Things Strand 3: No Hero, No Journey
The sovereign is dead. So too the nation?
On Being The Dead: Interactive Theatre & Historical Figures
Reality and Justice: On naturalism, verismo, and Puccini.
A Fortnight at Aldeburgh (Part 1): A Conversation With Le Guin About Community & Interactive Theatre
What happens if you analyse opera like a TTRPG? - Part 3 - What Social Theory Can A Game Opera Have?
What happens if you analyse opera like a TTRPG? - Part 2, opera as social game
The Unimaginable Liberation Of The Singer - The Nice and the Radical
Pratchett and Le Guin: A Comparison
Le Guin and the inhumanity of Zoom
Not a war, and yet important: some thoughts on COVID-19, metaphors, and values.
Living As A Cyborg
The Problem With Stories
Some thoughts on empathy and feeling.
In Defence Of Indefensible Pity?