Baby, Don Giovanni’s Outside
On Being Not-Opera
Dead Operas
Come Bargain With Uncanny Merch
Hybrid Futures: Some Hypotheticals For Come Bargain With Uncanny Things
Power And Play In Come Bargain With Uncanny Things
A Community Bargains: Building Connection Via Low Stakes
Throwing Down The Long Black Glove: Coming To Bargain With A Lack Of Funding
What Next For Come Bargain With Uncanny Things?
How’s Come Bargain With Uncanny Things Going?
To The Victory Of Cake
Some initial thoughts on the NPO Announcement
Forming Interactive Ritual-Opera: What Might You Expect?
Opera Is Aristocratic (And Not Just In The Obvious Ways)
Coming To Come Bargain Strand 5: Things people have called me to compare me to uncanny things
Coming To Come Bargain With Uncanny Things Strand 4: The Reading List Cometh
Coming To Come Bargain With Uncanny Things Strand 3: No Hero, No Journey
Coming To Come Bargain Strand 2: Four Alternative Approaches
Coming To Come Bargain, Strand 1: Why I (Un-)love Opera
A Case Against (Some) Subsidy OR Why I'm Trying To Make A Commercially Populist Opera