You belong here: welcoming you into Come Bargain’s communities
The Pirate Ninja Laser Turtle School of Dramaturgy
Situation-Room Character Non-Development: The Tiresome and the Fun
12 Shows: A Project From 2023
For The Moon: A Rite Of Midwinter About (Without) Belief
Unobserved, Uninvited: Unwanted Theatre
In Resentment of Functionality
Historical Resiliencism: towards a cyberpunk teleology of history
Declaration of Performance
Chekovian Cosmicism
In Extremis: Didacticism in Interactive Theatre
What Is Interactive Theatre About?
Truffle Hunting: An Approach to Interactive Theatre
Not Lying Or Pretending: What Is Acting (Not)?
Concentration: Ability and Patience
Reasons It’s Hard To Direct [X]
Froth: A Celebration OR Perspectives On Pining Princes & Pouting Princesses
Two Canon Sins
Please Hire Me